TODD Architects invited to speak at Healthy City Design Congress following abstract submission
Earlier this year, Satellite MPR’s copywriting team worked with TODD Architects’ Head of Healthcare to develop an abstract for submission to the Healthy City Design 2022 (HCD 2022) International Congress at the Royal College of Physicians in London.
We are delighted to report that, following an anonymous, blind evaluation by the HCD 2022 programme committee, the abstract, “King’s Hall Health & Wellbeing Park, Belfast” is one of a select number that has been accepted for oral presentation.
With placemaking at its heart, Kings Hall Health & Wellbeing Park in Belfast, Northern Ireland, sets a benchmark for community-integrated health and social care. TODD Architects has been working with healthcare developer Benmore Octopus on the design of the masterplan to regenerate the Kings Hall site as part of a dynamic residential, lifestyle, leisure and wellbeing park.
Alongside a range of primary healthcare services, life sciences and early-years learning, the Kings Hall site has senior residential and nursing care, as well as assisted living spaces providing transitionary and specialist care. All of this is set amidst a thriving, multigenerational environment of eateries, retail and leisure facilities and sited close to an established community.
Whilst traditional later living and care communities are often isolated in remote or rural locations, the Kings Hall scheme adopts a fully connected, interrelated urban context. It posits a new form of urbanism driven by health and wellbeing, planned and designed around social inclusion to create a development where all ages can live side by side, benefiting from the social, cultural and economic opportunities of a multigenerational diverse community.
The full presentation will be premiered at the Healthy City Design 2022 (HCD 2022) International Congress at the Royal College of Physicians in London from 10-11th October. Further info on the congress can be found HERE
Kings Hall Health & Wellbeing Park in Belfast, Northern Ireland, sets a benchmark for community-integrated health and social care.