Thought leadership: Designing with authenticity

It was a pleasure to chat to Jess Greenhalgh, Principal Interior Designer at Stephen George + Partners, recently on the topic of reclaimed, reused and repurposed materials for interiors and how they can create sustainable, authentic and truly bespoke hospitality spaces.

We turned that discussion into an extensive thought leadership piece and one that poses significant questions for the interiors sector.

There remains a significant societal barrier to the reuse of items based on an aesthetic, economic and practical viability perceptions. The modern consumer marketplace has created a culture where obsolescence is accepted and value is placed on new things to signify status and progress. It has been made far too easy – convenient, even – to discard valuable and high-quality products and materials when, with a little forethought, they could be reclaimed, reused, repurposed or even upcycled.

Those same consumer attitudes are often reflected in the interior design industry where ‘out with the old and in with the new’ can often be the default, if tacit, position. Jess argues passionately about wanting to break this mould and challenge SGP’s clients to consider the value of a circular economy to both their business, society and planet.

You can read the full piece HERE


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